Medical Cost Advocate Merges into Benefit Navigation Company Emry Health Read More
Medical Cost Advocate Merges into Benefit Navigation Company Emry Health Read More

medical bill help

AARP survey finds N.J. seniors are facing financial, health care hardships

AARP survey finds N.J. seniors are facing financial, health care hardships 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

A recent survey by AARP reveals that many NJ senior citizens are having a hard time meeting their financial obligations and getting adequate health coverage. Healthcare costs continue to rise…

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Consumer group says spending caps in national healthcare law will bring relief to people seeking medical care

Consumer group says spending caps in national healthcare law will bring relief to people seeking medical care 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

There could be relief for out-of pocket costs under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Under the act, out-of-pocket costs will be capped at a certain dollar amount.  Hopefully, this will…

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Major Reforms in Student Insurance Proposed

Major Reforms in Student Insurance Proposed 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Looks like there may be some hope for college students regarding insurance coverage.  In an area that has long been neglected, Congress has now introduced new regs to the Affordable…

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Californians Bracing to Pay More For Health Care

Californians Bracing to Pay More For Health Care 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

It’s 2011 and healthcare costs continue to rise. California’s are bracing themselves for large increases in their medical insurance costs. Unfortunately, California is not the only state. The winds of…

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More Americans oppose health-care law, but few want a total repeal

More Americans oppose health-care law, but few want a total repeal 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

The nation still appears divided over the Affordable Care Act.  According to the below Washington Post article, a recent poll by ABC shows an even split over those in favor…

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Single Payer System Takes Center Stage in Vermont

Single Payer System Takes Center Stage in Vermont 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Looks like single payer healthcare coverage is very much alive in Vermont.  Even though the national public outcry over a single payer system, deemed as socialized medicine, is very much…

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Va. Judge Says Healthcare Reform Law Is Unconstitutional

Va. Judge Says Healthcare Reform Law Is Unconstitutional 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

HFMA Could be trouble for the Obama administration and Healhcare in general if the December 12 ruling by Federal Judge Hudson is upheld.  Whatever the decision, 2011 will prove to…

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Federal health care site arrived July 1

Federal health care site arrived July 1 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Guess what became available July 1st 2010? A federal government website that gives consumers access to all the various health insurance plans. Eventually, the site will give consumers a list of…

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NEW REPORT: How Will The Affordable Care Act Affect 15 Million Uninsured Young Adults?

NEW REPORT: How Will The Affordable Care Act Affect 15 Million Uninsured Young Adults? 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Here’s some good news! According to a recent report from The Commonwealth Fund, the majority of young adults uninsured in America could gain health insurance coverage by 2014.  Looks like…

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What's Happening To Your Health Plan?

What's Happening To Your Health Plan? 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

It’s open enrollment season regarding health plans and 2011 benefits. While no one is sure how the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act will play out, one thing is for certain…

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