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Medical Cost Advocate Merges into Benefit Navigation Company Emry Health Read More

increased medical costs

Medical Costs Rise 7.8 Percent in 2010 for Family of Four: Milliman

Medical Costs Rise 7.8 Percent in 2010 for Family of Four: Milliman 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Healthcare Financial News Medical costs are on the rise again in 2010. Read the article and then go to the report from Milliman that details the rise in costs for…

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Increase in health tests, procedures is raising costs in frugal Utah

Increase in health tests, procedures is raising costs in frugal Utah 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

The rising cost of healthcare is everywhere. Even in small town communities, where spending tends to be small or limited, people can’t avoid the increase in healthcare costs.  What’s driving…

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Healthcare Spending Expected to Have Outpaced GDP Growth

Healthcare Spending Expected to Have Outpaced GDP Growth 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Healthcare Financial News Healthcare spending is on track to grow faster than the nations GDP for 2009. Unfortunately, we’ve seen this trend for the past few years and 2010 will…

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Health-Care Costs Rise for 2009

Health-Care Costs Rise for 2009 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Washington Post – Online Medical costs continue to rise for American’s, even those with Health Insurance. The latest report from the health care consulting firm Milliman puts the cost at $17,000…

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