Medical Cost Advocate Merges into Benefit Navigation Company Emry Health Read More
Medical Cost Advocate Merges into Benefit Navigation Company Emry Health Read More

health care cost reduction

Donuts, Diabetes and Dialysis — Doing More With Less

Donuts, Diabetes and Dialysis — Doing More With Less 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

This week we’ve chosen to share some extracts from James Calver’s talk in the UK, “Doing More with Less” — improving care and lowering costs. His comments reflect new developments…

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A Guide Through a Medical Wilderness

A Guide Through a Medical Wilderness 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

  As the government churns through health care reform, the media has realized that consumers can negotiate their health care with doctors and hospitals.  The article indicates that it is best…

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Healing U.S. Health Care

Healing U.S. Health Care 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Health care reform is expected to be a top agenda item for the incoming Obama administration.  Author: Toni Johnson Health experts agree the U.S. health care system needs an overhaul,…

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