Medical Cost Advocate Merges into Benefit Navigation Company Emry Health Read More

Medical Cost Advocate Merges into Benefit Navigation Company Emry Health Read More

Doctor bills

Effort to Decipher Hospital Prices Yields Key Finding: Don’t Try It at Home

Effort to Decipher Hospital Prices Yields Key Finding: Don’t Try It at Home 750 410 Medical Cost Advocate

Although the No Surprise Act and Transparency in Coverage Rule have become the law of the land and consumers are technically protected, price transparency is still ridiculously complex.  For those…

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Health Law Pricing and the Exchanges

Health Law Pricing and the Exchanges 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Implementation of several of the largest changes for Health Care Reform will take place in 2014. One major step is the creation of the Health Care Exchanges that will enable consumers…

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Tallying the Cost to Bring Baby Home

Tallying the Cost to Bring Baby Home 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Another informative article from the Wall Street Journal about the lack of pricing transparency and how difficult it is for consumers to get an estimate of charges, understand the cost,…

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Bargaining Down the Medical Bills

Bargaining Down the Medical Bills 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Below is a recent New York Times article suggesting that consumers take responsibility for lowering the cost of their health care bills.  Most consumers find it difficult to negotiate with…

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For Uninsured Young Adults, Do-It-Yourself Health Care

For Uninsured Young Adults, Do-It-Yourself Health Care 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

This is an excellent article in the New York Times about young people who avoid purchasing health insurance because their age makes them feel invulnerable or because health insurance policies are too expensive. …

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A Healthcare System Out of Balance

A Healthcare System Out of Balance 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Why is the price of healthcare for the same procedure dramatically different from one hospital to the next? Why aren’t American’s aware of this? To find out more read the…

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