Medical Cost Advocate Merges into Benefit Navigation Company Emry Health Read More
Medical Cost Advocate Merges into Benefit Navigation Company Emry Health Read More


Brokers and Consultants

Results Delivered.


Employers using advocacy services report 50% higher satisfaction with benefits


75% of employers rank cost reduction as their #1 benefits goal


Most employers realize more than a 3:1 return on MCA fees

Common Industry Challenges

The cost and complexity of healthcare is steadily increasing for clients, making it harder to deliver lasting value.

  • Every year, it seems like you must deliver insurance premium increases to clients, leaving them increasingly dissatisfied with the benefits available.
  • Insurers are slowly reducing the commissions they provide to insurance producers.
  • Most brokers access the same insurance plans, meaning service differentiation is based on the value-added services that help employers realize more value.
  • More than any other healthcare concern, employers are looking to reduce costs for the company and the employee.
  • 98% of corporate benefits managers are trying to increase return on their healthcare investment.
  • Benefits managers expect value enhancement strategies to come from their broker/consultant.

Our Value Proposition

Medical Cost Advocate’s services help brokers and consultants solve issues associated with benefits navigation and deliver more value for clients. Our focus is first and foremost on cost reduction for your clients. We deliver expert services directly to employees and HR departments, helping them save money on the day-to-day usage of healthcare. We ensure they make optimal use of their health plan and reduce out-of-pocket costs. By more cost-effectively and efficiently navigating the healthcare system, your clients realize higher satisfaction with their health benefits while simultaneously saving money.

  • MCA’s core competency in cost reduction increases ROI versus competing services.
  • Improve employee and employer satisfaction with your recommended benefit plan.
  • Lock in senior manager support and lifetime value of customer relationship.
  • Eliminate inquiries to account managers and client HR that create risk and violate HIPAA.
  • Provide a service that works every day to extract more value and savings from client benefit plans.
  • Provide ongoing healthcare savings during the year (while your team is not available).
  • Retain broker of record by increasing satisfaction from benefits.


Recommended Services

There are flexible fee models: broker sponsored, employer paid, and elective (opt-in).

On-Call Advocacy Services for Employees/Members

Executive Concierge Advocacy – Executive Benefits

Negotiation Services