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Major Reforms in Student Insurance Proposed

Major Reforms in Student Insurance Proposed

Major Reforms in Student Insurance Proposed 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Looks like there may be some hope for college students regarding insurance coverage.  In an area that has long been neglected, Congress has now introduced new regs to the Affordable Care Act which will require colleges and universities to provide health insurance coverage to students.
By Ria Patel

In quest to make lives of University students better, the Congress has decided to introduce new plans in the existing health care law, which will be in effect from the next year.
The reforms proposed, will be in favor of college students, who have estimated number of 3 million at present.
Till now, the area of student insurance was widely neglected, partly because of its uncertain and short validity duration.
But now after, bringing the student health insurance plans offered by colleges and universities to the same level as that of the 2010 federal Affordable Care Act by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, the need for further amendments is strongly felt.
The new reforms will ask colleges and universities to provide the health insurance to students, even if they are less than 18 years or have underlying medical conditions like diabetes or other discrepancies.
The law will also take care of benefits borne out of student plans. The schemes, which currently have very less boons, will observe a boost to minimum of $100,000 before September 2012 and more than $2 million after that.
The Universities will also be asked to maintain the coverage, in case the student is down with ill-health. No student will be punished if he forgets to give a proper account of its medical history.
Meanwhile, the Health and Human Services Department has sought public comments and views on proposed amendments till April 12.